
The teachers of Sundara Yoga Thornton

Russ, RYT200, takes a comprehensive approach to aid in feeling strong in your body, while equally honoring the deeper spiritual teachings that yoga has to offer. If you are working through an injury or want to use yoga to enhance your other life activities, contact Russ for a private yoga lesson.

Angie, RYT200, leans into the theoretical and systemic processes of yoga to inform practice. A concept, reading, or meditation may be presented to ground the class in reflection.

Angie offers restorative yoga sessions for individuals and couples in a home studio setting.

During warmer months we gather at Harley Brown Amphitheater, Carpenter Park, at 6:30am. We hope to see you next spring!


To disrupt systemic injustice and practice anti-racism, we acknowledge the immense privilege to have been trained in the field of yoga. We make monthly donations to 5280 Black Lives Matter with the donations collected from our morning gatherings. Your attendance and donations to Thornton Community Yoga at Carpenter Park helps support the continuous fight for the liberation of all.


Questions or just want to chat about yoga? Send us your citta vrittis, we’d love to connect with you.